The Fine Details:
DFW GI Joe and Action Figure Show II
September 21, 2013
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Grapevine Convention Center
1209 South Main Street
Grapevine, TX 76051
$10.00 for families
Free admission for Boy Scouts in uniform as well as military, police, fire fighters, and other law enforcement with valid ID
Be sure to check out the show's Facebook page as well as the home of the GI Joe Collector's Club for more information!
Note: All above information is provided based on contents of the websites maintained by the conventions in question. Any inaccuracies are not the responsibility of said conventions or Convention Awareness Project - Texas. This is a free service to both conventions and convention goers and errors are certainly possible. Please consult the websites of the individual shows for further information when planning to attend any given show.